Additional Sites:
- Outskirts - No Ordinary Life
- Outskirts - Help Me to Feel
- Goodreads - No Ordinary Life
- Goodreads - Help Me to Feel
- Facebook Author Page
Note: Emails will usually be answered personally.
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Love Notes...
Dear Readers,
I struggled through early versions of this website about where to put some “progress” notes from me to you and perhaps have settled on including them here. Perhaps if you want to contact me, you’d want to hear from me as well. Earlier notes contained under Inspiration or Articles are archived below.
I have enjoyed a wonderful delay in preparing A Greater Destiny for print. I discovered Mom’s actual journals from her church mission—what a fascinating, unsettling, delightful, honest read. You think she has been honest in her books; you ought to have a taste of her journals! Apparently rules for missionary work in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have changed remarkably over the years. I plan to include excerpts in an appendix for A Greater Destiny. Because of this additional research and transcription, my current publication goal for book three from Mom’s original 1,000 manuscript, is early 2022.
Thank you for your continued interest. Due largely to your helpful recommendations, readership is growing. I really appreciate positive reviews on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and GoodReads as well as face to face with your friends, or visit and “Like” my author page on Facebook. As I’ve said before, it was my mother’s fondest dream that her books would touch lives and bring delight for generations to come.
Love from Kim